***Some answer, choose whatever you want.
Chapter 1 Texas Hold'em
- Look at your cards.
- Raise blindly.
- Taunt him.
- Psych him out. +10 Dave skill
- Can you blame me? Has 10 Dave skill
- Maybe I'm just observant.
- Ask me out.
- Ask me for help. +10 Dave skill
- I'm your man. Use 12 Diamond +??
- May be next time.
- Tell her about your first crime scene. (Officer Mckenzie likes you) +10 Dave skill
- Give her some tough love.
- Face to face. +10 Dave skill
- From long range.
- Shake hands.
- Ask what she's doing here.
- You'll be my first call as soon as I get any info.
- Talk to my captain at the precinct. I'll meet you there.
- Dave +20 Dave skill
- Sam +20 Sam skill
- You're stubborn.
- This is personal for you. +10 Dave skill
Chapter 2 New Blood
- Let's just catch this bastard and be done with it.
- Stay out of my way, I'll stay out of yours.
- Liven up an office.
- Waste time.
- Sounds like that might come in handy in this town. (Reza likes you) +10 Sam Skill
- I'd rather have you focus on data.
- I'm not giving a 'middle finger' to anyone.
- I'm not trying to do a 'thing'. (Nikhil likes you) +10 Sam Skill
- I'd love to, but I've got work.
- Hell yeah. I've earned a break.
- He's sticking to his M.O. +10 Sam Skill
- He's doing something new.
- Not true.
- Not a fault. (Mirasol likes you) +10 Sam Skill
- Reza's reserch on Gavin's blog. +10 Sam Skill
- Nikhil's ID of Tull's gun.
- Mirasol's psych profile on Tull.
- [Flashback] Tell Dave the whole story. Use 20 Diamond +??
- Don't tell him much.
Chapter 3 Dirty Hollywood
- It's terrible.
- It's ridiculous.
- Where are you gonna get an icicle in L.A.? +10 Sam Skill
- Ice isn't hard enough to be used as a weapon.
- Smooth-talk him. Has 60 Dave skill
- Beg and plead.
- 'Outloved'
- 'Outlaw' +10 Dave skill
- 'Outsider'
- Play as Dave +10 Dave skill
- Whatever it is, I'll keep it a secret. +10 Dave skill
- Just answer the question, Ryan.
- Play as Sam +10 Sam skill
- The gun. +10 Sam skill
- The ninja.
- We're in. Use 19 diamond +??
- Sorry, no can do.
- Apologize.
- Don't apologize.
- Venice Beach +20 Sam skill
Chapter 4 Hack Job
- Bring Reza along. Use 20 Diamond. +??
- Leave him behind.
- Turn on siren! Has 100 Sam Skill
- Honk
- What the hell is wrong with you L.A. people?!
- The, uh... water looks nice.
- Check out the internet cafe.
- Talk to the locals.
- Drugs.
- Carjackings.
- Free wi-fi. +10 Sam Skill
- Police. Let us up.
- My name's Dave, I'm with the city. Could we chat for a minute? +10 Dave Skill
- 5678
- Flirt.
- Lie.
- Dave
- Sam +20 Sam Skill
- 5678 +20 Dave Skill
- Order her to stop!
- Reason with her.
Chapter 5 Davil in the Dark
- You need to calm down!
- I'll keep you safe. +10 Dave Skill
- Dive
- Shoot!
- Hold! +10 Dave Skill
- Cover your eyes! +10 Dave Skill
- Dive!
- The Bar. +10 Dave Skill
- The Couch.
- Broken glass!
- Glass shard!
- Bare floor!
- Shard of glass!
- Tackle Tull Has 150 Dave Skill
- Shout 'stop'!
- Yes, ma'am. +10 Dave Skill
- We can't just stop!
- Scum bags.
- Bed bugs. +10 Dave Skill
- Wuh?
- Buh?
- Fluh?
- She was a dead-end.
- Can't discuss an open case.
Chapter 6 After Hours
- This isn't date!
- Anything I should know about you and Dave?
- Yeah, I'm going out with Dave. That gonna be a problem?
- I can handle it myself. -
- Fine. It's your city. Go ahead. +10 Sam Skill
- Responsibilities come before hobbies.
- Follow your passion, not a paycheck. (Jamal likes you) +10 Sam Skill
- Whiskey. Neat.
- A cosmopolitan.
- Whatever he's having.
- I grew up with a big family too.
- My mentor played a big part in my life.
- [Flashback] Here's how it went down. Use 20 Diamond +??
- It's really not that a big deal.
- Amazing!
- Alright. I've had better.
- Play the Marshal card. Has 140 Sam Skill
- Try to smooth talk him.
Chapter 7 House of Lies
- Knowledgeable.
- Crafty.
- Pick the lock. Has 160 Dave Skill
- Let Sam kick it down.
- Photo.
- Shotgun.
- Tell me about it. Use 16 Diamond
- Let's stay focused.
- Notepad.
- Steel box.
- Toilet.
- Hayley hired Tull.
- Tull was hired to kill Hayley.
- No one hired Tull. +10 Dave Skill
- Shoot (Don't do anything)
- I'm cop.
- I know your secret. +10 Dave Skill
- Make a deal.
- Take this outside. +10 Dave Skill
- Outlaw. +10 Dave Skill
- Scumbag.
Chapter 8 Hell or High Water
- Break the lock and escape now! Use 20 Diamond
- Find another way out!
- Shoot the door!
- Shoot the window! +10 Sam Skill
- Smother the flames!
- Soak it and cover your mouth! +10 Sam Skill
- Roll!
- Jump! +10 Sam Skill
- A curtain!
- A pipe! +10 Dave Skill
- Push!
- Swim
- Give in!
- Hold on!
- Let go!
- Breathe out!
- Scream out!
- Slow down!
- Swim faster!
Chapter 9 Sunk Cost
- I'm keeping him. Use 30 Diamond +??
- Take him away.
- Who took it?
- What was written on it. +10 Dave Skill
- Completely insane.
- An idiot.
- Clean.
- Messy. +10 Dave Skill
- Yes. +10 Dave Skill
- No.
- Her looks.
- Her song. +10 Dave Skill, +10 Dave Skill
- Let Dave explain. Has 250 Dave Skill
- Throw Dave under the bus.
- Plead with Beckham.
- Refuse to quit.
Chapter 10 LARA
- Dave's fault.
- My fault.
- They can't catch him without me.
- He's my responsibility.
- Notepad +10 Sam Skill
- Hayley will be there.
- Hayley's enemies will be there. +10 Sam Skill
- Ignore me, and the blood's on your hand. Has 180 Sam Skill
- I'll do whatever you want!
- He did Cassandra some favors.
- Dave and Cassandra dated.
- Water under the bridge. Ane de luca likes you
- You just made a big mistake, buddy.
- Adorable pout!
- Smile and wave!
- Deer in the headlights!
- Middle finger!
+20 Sam Skill (I don't know why.)
- Haven't got one.
- None of your damn business.
- So, you're a whiskey woman too? +10 Sam Skill
- Quit waiting around and make the first move.
- Forget him, On the next one.
- You definitly caught MY eye.
- I'm a big fan.
- I can't stand her. +10 Sam Skill
Chapter 11
- Hunting a killer.
- Chatting with Ryan. +10 Sam Skill
- Your're looking pretty handsome.
- You were just dying for an excuse to wear a tux.
- Dave's foot.
- Dave's foot.
- The floor!
- Dave's foot!
- Catch it! Has Sam 220 skill
- Freeze!
- Flip on the siren!
- Floor it.
- Run the light! +10 Sam Skill
- Hit the brakes!
- Left!
- Right!
- Left!
- Right!
- Left!
- Right!
- Pull alongside Jamie.
- Nudge his car. +10 Sam Skill
- Internet picacy.
- Embezzlement. +10 Dave Skill
- Murder.
- Defuse the bomb. Has Dave 260 skill
- Pull Jamie out.
Chapter 12 Old Wounds
- Reason with Beckham. Has Dave 260 skill
- Plead with her.
- Are a good team. +10 Dave Skill
- Are more than just partners.
- Comfort him.
- Tease him.
- You did't have to stick your neck out.
- I don't need anyone to protect me.
- Thank you. It means a lot.
- Go out and talk to him. Use 30 Diamonds.
- Leave him be and go back to bed.
- Shotgun shell
- Tull clan picture
- Green Palms ticket
- More...
- Blank notepad
- Hayley Rose's photos
- Previous...
- Finished
- Father +20 Dave Skill
Chapter 13 Outlaw
- Charm the producer. Has Dave 280 skill
- Have Sam pull Hayler out. Has Sam 240 skill
- Wait patiently.
- Trust me, you want this to be private.
- Fine. We know the truth, Hayley.
- The photos.
- Your DNA. +10 Dave Skill
- Play as Sam. +10 Sam Skill
- You'll be haunted by your guilt forever.
- You'll end up in jail with your father. +10 Sam Skill
- Play as Dave. +10 Dave Skill
- Your dad.
- Yourself. +10 Dave Skill
- A coffee shop.
- Hayley's mansion. +10 Sam Skill
- The trailer park.
- A sawed-off shotgun.
- A broken bottle. +20 Sam Skill
- A bomb.
- Killed him for her!
- Took the fall for her! +10 Sam Skill
- Wake Mckenzie up. Use 25 Diamonds.
- Don't wake her.
- Plane. +10 Dave Skill
- Car.
Chapter 14 Terminal Velocity
- Thought Gate.
- Thought Fence. +10 Dave Skill
- Floor it.
- Swerve.
- Hold. +10 Dave Skill
- Shoot!
- A wine corkscrew! Use 18 Diamonds
- A beer bottle! Has 330 Dave skill, +10 Dave Skill
- A bag of chips!
- You'd go to jail.
- You'd be humiliated. +10 Sam Skill
- Hayley Rose.
- Hayley Tull.
- Punch her in the face! Use 16 Diamonds
- Cuff her!
- The grenade!
- The door!
- Tull!
Chapter 15 Arrivals and Departures
- Sam
- Dave
- Hayley
- Cassandra +20 Dave Skill
- The Pilot
- Brace for impact!
- Say he's proud of me.
- Wonder what the hell took me so long.
- Ask what kinda dumbass question is that.
- Ryan
- Cassandra
- Ana de Luca
- Jamal
- Hell yeah I feel better.
- It ain't bringing Bill back.
- Let's stop by the beach.Use 30 Diamonds.
- I should get to the airport.
- This isn't over.
- I'm not bailing on you.
- I'll do whatever you want!
- He did Cassandra some favors.
- Dave and Cassandra dated.
- Water under the bridge. Ane de luca likes you
- You just made a big mistake, buddy.
- Adorable pout!
- Smile and wave!
- Deer in the headlights!
- Middle finger!
+20 Sam Skill (I don't know why.)
- Haven't got one.
- None of your damn business.
- So, you're a whiskey woman too? +10 Sam Skill
- Quit waiting around and make the first move.
- Forget him, On the next one.
- You definitly caught MY eye.
- I'm a big fan.
- I can't stand her. +10 Sam Skill
Chapter 11
- Hunting a killer.
- Chatting with Ryan. +10 Sam Skill
- You were just dying for an excuse to wear a tux.
- Dave's foot.
- Dave's foot.
- The floor!
- Dave's foot!
- Catch it! Has Sam 220 skill
- Freeze!
- Flip on the siren!
- Floor it.
- Run the light! +10 Sam Skill
- Hit the brakes!
- Left!
- Right!
- Left!
- Right!
- Left!
- Right!
- Pull alongside Jamie.
- Nudge his car. +10 Sam Skill
- Internet picacy.
- Embezzlement. +10 Dave Skill
- Murder.
- Defuse the bomb. Has Dave 260 skill
- Pull Jamie out.
Chapter 12 Old Wounds
- Reason with Beckham. Has Dave 260 skill
- Plead with her.
- Are a good team. +10 Dave Skill
- Are more than just partners.
- Comfort him.
- Tease him.
- You did't have to stick your neck out.
- I don't need anyone to protect me.
- Thank you. It means a lot.
- Go out and talk to him. Use 30 Diamonds.
- Leave him be and go back to bed.
- Shotgun shell
- Tull clan picture
- Green Palms ticket
- More...
- Blank notepad
- Hayley Rose's photos
- Previous...
- Finished
- Father +20 Dave Skill
Chapter 13 Outlaw
- Charm the producer. Has Dave 280 skill
- Have Sam pull Hayler out. Has Sam 240 skill
- Wait patiently.
- Trust me, you want this to be private.
- Fine. We know the truth, Hayley.
- The photos.
- Your DNA. +10 Dave Skill
- Play as Sam. +10 Sam Skill
- You'll be haunted by your guilt forever.
- You'll end up in jail with your father. +10 Sam Skill
- Play as Dave. +10 Dave Skill
- Your dad.
- Yourself. +10 Dave Skill
- A coffee shop.
- Hayley's mansion. +10 Sam Skill
- The trailer park.
- A sawed-off shotgun.
- A broken bottle. +20 Sam Skill
- A bomb.
- Killed him for her!
- Took the fall for her! +10 Sam Skill
- Wake Mckenzie up. Use 25 Diamonds.
- Don't wake her.
- Plane. +10 Dave Skill
- Car.
Chapter 14 Terminal Velocity
- Thought Gate.
- Thought Fence. +10 Dave Skill
- Floor it.
- Swerve.
- Hold. +10 Dave Skill
- Shoot!
- A wine corkscrew! Use 18 Diamonds
- A beer bottle! Has 330 Dave skill, +10 Dave Skill
- A bag of chips!
- You'd go to jail.
- You'd be humiliated. +10 Sam Skill
- Hayley Rose.
- Hayley Tull.
- Punch her in the face! Use 16 Diamonds
- Cuff her!
- The grenade!
- The door!
- Tull!
Chapter 15 Arrivals and Departures
- Sam
- Dave
- Hayley
- Cassandra +20 Dave Skill
- The Pilot
- Brace for impact!
- Say he's proud of me.
- Wonder what the hell took me so long.
- Ask what kinda dumbass question is that.
- Ryan
- Cassandra
- Ana de Luca
- Jamal
- Hell yeah I feel better.
- It ain't bringing Bill back.
- Let's stop by the beach.Use 30 Diamonds.
- I should get to the airport.
- This isn't over.
- I'm not bailing on you.
-End book one-
-- To be continuous --
Thank for reading :))))
Choices : Most Wanted Walkthrough
Reviewed by Amphitrite717
กันยายน 06, 2559